1.Take Advantage of the Multiple-Choice Format

All of the questions on the GPAT are in the multiple choice
format, which you have undoubtedly seen many times before. That means that
for every question, the correct answer is right in front of you. All you have to do is pick
it out from among three incorrect choices, called “distracters.” Consequently, you can
use the process of elimination to rule out incorrect answer choices. The moreanswers
you rule out, the easier it is to make the right choice.


Recall that on the GPAT, there is  penalty for choosing a wrong answer. Therefore, if

you do not know the answer to a question, you have  to lose by guessing. So make sure that you answer CORRCET. . With luck, you may be able to pick up a few extra points, even if your
guesses are totally random.

3.Make Educated Guesses

What differentiates great test takers from merely good ones is the ability to guess in
such a way as to maximize the chance of guessing correctly. The way to do this is to use
the process of elimination. Before you guess, try to eliminate one or more of the answer
choices. That way, you can make an educated guess, and you have a better chance of
picking the correct answer. Odds of one out of two or one out of three are better than
one out of four!

4.Go with Your Gut

In those cases where you are not 100 percent sure of the answer you are choosing, it is
often best to go with your gut feeling and stick with your first answer. If you decide to
change that answer and pick another one, you may well pick the wrong answer because
you have overthought the problem. More often than not, if you know something
about the subject, your first answer is likely to be the correct one.

5.Use the Test Booklet Provided

 There is a ROUGH PAGE to write in. Jot down notes, make calculations, and write out an outline for each of your essays. All test items are collected from you before you leave the room. You are not permitted to bring any of your own scratch paper into the test site.

6.Do Not Panic if Time Runs Out

If you pace yourself and keep track of your progress, you should not run out of time. If
you do, however, do not panic. Because there is no guessing penalty and you have nothing
to lose by doing so, enter answers to all of the remaining questions. If you are able
to make educated guesses, you will probably be able to improve your score. However,
even random guesses may help you to pick up a few points. In order to know how to
handle this situation if it happens to you on the test, make sure you observe the time
limits when you take the practice tests. Guessing well is a skill that comes with practice,
so incorporate it into your preparation program.

7.If Time Permits, Review Questions You Were Unsure Of

Within each test section, you are permitted to return to questions you may have skipped
or to change your answer. If time permits, you may want to take advantage of this opportunity
to review questions you were unsure of, or to check for careless mistakes.
However, once you have completed an entire section, you cannot go back to it and make

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